
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

204: Double Trouble (prod 215)

Original airdate: September 28, 2006

Story by Magnus Scheving

Written by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarrson, Noah Zachary

Directed by Jonathan Judge

Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings

Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello

Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess, Ronald Binion

Double Trouble - Robbie’s disguise is terrible in this episode, so will the song and story make up for it?

Sportacus’ cold open is a great start as it is a possible homage to Bruce Lee. He calls for two carrots and connects them together - reciting the nunchuck routine from Enter the Dragon. Then he calls for ANOTHER two carrots, swinging them around. Sweet homage, cool homage.


Meanwhile, Milford is looking for a hat.. that is on his head. He doesn’t notice until Stephanie takes it off for him. Every show needs their comedy relief, but Milford’s is a teeny bit exaggerated. Milford is going butterfly catching and he’s got all he needs - a tent and his butterfly catching net. Stephanie reminds him to come back by three o'clock as he is scheduled to announce the annual LazyTown rule (pretty sure you don’t need to announce a rule every year..). Then they say goodbye and Milford leaves. Meanwhile, Robbie has a hammer.


And because he is a grown man who is responsible.. he hits his thumb on the hammer. I get him yelling and shaking it, he’s in pain. And unfortunately, I also understand him sucking it like a small man who is unresponsible.


It’s so funny because it was so sudden. The only thing you could hear for a few seconds was a hammer banging. Imagine closing your eyes for a few seconds.. then - ‘DAAAAAÆÜGH’. Anyways, after sucking his thumb, he spits and throws the hammer away. He says that now those noisy, nosy kids will never be able to find his 'super secret’ lair. When a noisy, nosy adult finds his super secret lair.


He’s just here to tell him everything, and also about how he’s going to return at 3 for the annual rule. Robbie is bored and mocking him up until that part.. -annual rule- Then he is trying to get him to go after a few questions (A new rule that everyone must follow no matter how greedy and selfish it might be? Milford’s reaction to that’s hilarious!!). Now all he has to do is to make sure the Mayor doesn’t return and disguise himself AS THE MAYOR and make his own rules. IT’S DISGUISE TIME!! After he figures out how to get the wooden X of his door.


Don’t worry. He found some random crowbar hanging around. Meanwhile, Milford is looking at the lovely day, then starts looking for some sunscreen. He looks in the tent. Back to Robbie who has reached his lair (for some reason, he didn’t just come falling out the chute like in Season 1). He stands up, dusts himself off and declares it Disguise Time. Then he shows up in the LEAST Milford Meanswell looking disguise ever.


That is weird. Luckily, the song 'Fun to be Mayor’ doesn’t really make me think about this too long - I like the parts where Robbie stops his Milford voice and begins the rough voice. Anyways, after the song, Ziggy is wearing a hat with a fake snake on top of it, sneaking around and he has a hung a cage. When Stephanie comes around, she asks what he is up to and he explains that he is waiting to catch.. A DINOSAUR. He’s confused when Steph tells him there aren’t any more.


He says they could come back. Cry Dinosaur II? Anyways, it’s almost three and everyone is waiting for Milford.. but he isn’t back yet. The kids are talking about this when a sudden WOAH WOAAAHAHHH - it’s Trixie attempting to be cool by putting herselves and maybe her friends in danger by SKATING - not cool. Stick to the scooter (one of the reasons why this is out of character - Trixie only rides her scooter)


The crystal beeps and coincidentally, Sportacus is driving the skutla. So he stops and Dyri- I mean Magnus flips out of the skutla, jumps over a wall, rolls, grabs a skateboard and jumps over another wall. Trixie trips over a curve and does a frontflip. So Sportacus lies on the skateboard and rolls over to a sheet being dried outside. He holds it so Trixie bounces off it. Then she backflips and Sportacus flips to catch her.


He puts her down and she almost falls down thanks to dem skates before Sporty holds him. Kinda unneeded - the episode would have gone well without the rescue, but I guess it’s better then him just flying to town to see what the kids are doing. Anyways, he asks the kids where the Mayor is but they say they don’t know. Meanwhile, instead of GOING in the tent, Milford is still crawling looking for the sunscreen when Robbie comes over to kick his butt. Literally. LOL.


So, then he zips up the tent. Robbie remembers it’s almost three and goes back to LazyTown. The crystal beeps and Sportacus runs to the other side of town, passing Robbie’s lair.. and Robbie.


So far in the show, Robbie has been in the airship, and this is the second time Sportacus has been to Robbie’s billboard lair. Anyways, Sportacus asks Robbie if he is okay. He says yes and tells him the crystal’s out of order. Sportacus reminds him of the rule and he walks to town with Robbie. Who walks the wrong way until Sportacus helps him.


The kids are a bit worried until he finally walks up onto the stage and he crouches down to the podium. They’re all smiling waiting for the rule, hoping it’ll be something good. Then he spews out - 'LazyTown has no more SportsCandy.’ You can see the smile wipe off Julianna’s face, hilarious!


Then he walks off stage and into the office, saying that was easy. Comes in Bessie Busybody who has baked Milford a cake. Robbie tastes some of the frosting and calls it terrible and it tastes like an old shoe. Then he looks outside to find the kids playing basketball. Before going out he tells Bessie he wants her cake and her out of town by the time he is back. Robbie asks the kids what they’re up to, and tells them sports is banned. He also put up a few signs. He drops a bag on the floor telling them to put all their sports stuff in the bag.


Robbie asks how many sports there are and Stingy is rambling on and on until Robbie yells NO MORE SPORTS!!!! Steph asks what they can do if they can’t play sports, and he says something quiet. Ziggy pulls out an apple even though it was established he just banned them. Robbie opens the door and snatches it from him as he is about to take a bite and throws it into the bag. Then he takes the bag back to the office. The kids know this is wrong..


Well, most of the kids, but as Ziggy says 'rules are rules’! Sportacus enters the Mayor’s office, looking for him and Robbie enters after him. Sportacus wants to discuss the new rules. Robbie asks Sportacus if he is the type of person to follow rules and enforce the kids to do so. He says yes to all the questions. Milford shows Sportacus the kids outside, following the rules. He says they don’t want sports, sports candy, or Sportacus. And he makes a new ruke, Sportacus has to leave LazyTown forever!


He takes all the balls and starts deflating them while singing a line of 'Fun to be mayor’. Sportacus goes back to the airship and the kids are super bored, when Stephanie stands up and says they have to find out what’s happening. French fry hair boy agrees. Trixie says this is all wrong, and Ziggy says it is excluding the candy rule. Ha. Ha. Stephanie is going to talk to Bessie, Trixie and the rest are gonna find the mayor, who is eating some ice-cream.


The kids barge to Robbie saying they want sports and sports candy back until he says there is a brand new rule - you can eat all the ice-cream you want. The idiots. Robbie tells them to go in the truck, they do so, and he locks them in. Meanwhile, a bee enters Milford’s tent and Sportacus’ crystal beeps. So he rides over to the other side of town to help Milford. He unlocks the tent, finding the real mayor. He tells him he thought he was back in LazyTown and Milford says he was stuck in the tent all day. Then Sportacus realizes someone is impersonating Milford.


The plan is to sneak in LazyTown - Milford must blend in. Apparently he has a great disguise. Meanwhile, Bessie is about to leave when Stephanie stops her and asks what’s happening. After they finish talking, Bessie leaves. THANK GOD!! But Steph’s not happy - she runs to the office. Meanwhile, Sportacus is crawling behind a wall, looking for Milford. He can’t find him because he’s 'blended in’ so well.


He is wearing his butterfly catching costume - a pink and white bunny that seems to scare the butterflies away. But it works because nobody will recognize him. Anyways, the stress is getting to Robbie. When Stephanie comes up to him asking why he kicked Bessie out, he yells 'BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT!!’. Then Stephanie realizes that this isn’t the real Milford as he wouldn’t do any of this. He also wouldn’t trap Stephanie in a cage, which is exactly what he does.


The crystal beeps and off he goes! He runs and jumps over a wall! He can see the shaking ice-cream stand, and the well hidden trapped Stephers. Sportacus takes out the crystal (it flings back to him like a boomerang) and he throws it at an apple. The apple falls into Stephanie’s hands, and she bites it. ONCE. And she has the strength to lift up the entire cage herself. Ziggy is getting curious in the ice-cream stand.. and he touches a brake - off the car/ice-cream stand goes! Sportacus calls for a rope from his airship and swings like Tarzan ontop of the ice-cream stand. He attaches the hook to the stand and the other side to the cage Stephanie escaped from. The force of the stand stopping makes the stand shake and Sportacus fall off.


Who am I kidding? He flips mid-way through the fall and lands on his feet like a cat. He unlocks the stand and runs back to Stephanie, who thanks him and tells him that there’s someone pretending to be Milford. Thanks, we heard. So they go to find him. Meanwhile, Bessie runs into the real Milford. She asks who he is and he takes off the nose, revealing himself. Once Robbie walks by, he tells her that’s the faker, then Robbie turns around. They duck, and she says NOW she understands. Milford asks for a piece of Bessie’s cake. He throws it at Robbie, who slips on it.


So he sits on the seesaw. Milford needs some extra weight, so he piggy backs Bessie, and he JUMPS on the seesaw sending Robbie flying. The end, ta-ta. Not really because there’s three more minutes left. Sportacus hears his yells and looks at the sky. He grabs a laundry sheet, spreads it out with the help of Stephanie, and Robbie lands safely. Then they tip him onto the ground - his fake head comes off and the disguise is thus revealed. Sportacus throws the sheet onto him. Now the REAL Milford makes a rule - The only one allowed to imitate the mayor is the mayor. They sing Bing Bang celebrating his really dumb rule. In the lair, Robbie says it’s not fun to be the mayor. As if his day wasn’t bad enough, here comes the bee that tortured Milford. It chases him. Ta-ta, the end for real this time.

7/10 - Mediocre song, horrible disguise, awesome plot and rescues.


203: Trash Trouble (prod 209)

 Original airdate: September 27, 2006

Story by Magnus Scheving

Written by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarrson, Noah Zachary

Directed by Sigvaldi J. Karason

Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stalling

Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello

Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess, Ronald Binion

This episode better not be trash.

Sportacus is in his airship and he flips, lands on a button and turns to the screen. He tells the screen to look for Sportscandy and it zooms into an apple tree. The record for obtaining it is 59 seconds which Sportacus believes he can beat. So, he rides into town using the Sky Bike, and once he sees the apple tree, he throws a boomerang at it, and it slices the apple off the branch and it lands in his hands.


If this was realistic it’d have just landed in the grass. While going back to the ship, the boomerang flies back to him. Without even looking he catches it! Then he goes back in the ship - the record was 51 seconds! Anyways, back in the town after the intro.. Sportacus is literally lifting a bench. Stingy is carrying a bunch a trash in his car (including himself) when Milford comes to him. He tells Milford that he found some stuff that he doesn’t want - and gives it to him. Trying to carry it, Milford falls down into Stingy’s car wagon, sending Stingy flying into the air. Lucky Sportacus is there to catch him.


That doesn’t get a ‘thank you, Sportacus’ from Stingy. He is only concerned about his car. So, Sportacus pushes the mayor out of the wagon, then he goes after Stingy’s car. Then he checks on the mayor, takes the trash out his hand and throws it at Stingy’s car - Well, I’d do that. I am NOT cut out to be a super hero. He throws it at a far-away garbage can and makes a perfect shot! The mayor compliments him on it, and he goes back to the airship. Stingy advises Milford 'not to do that again’.


Back at Pixel’s house, the kids are watching an episode of a show they’ve already seen and Stephanie asks Pixel where the remote control is, but his room is such a mess he can’t find it. Stephanie proposes the idea of cleaning up but everyone including Steph declines. Then Ziggy panics and tells everyone not to move - he lost his lollipop. Stephanie promises to get him a new one. Then Trixie wants to play outside, assuming it’ll be cleaner there. So they all go. Ziggy is reluctant, but little does he know..


Robbie is in his lair, eating gooey sticky taffy, and THROWING THE WRAPPER on the floor - making a mountain of taffy wrappers. Anyways, it’s still dirty outside (Steph found Ziggy’s lollipop), so Pixel says that they can’t play - and that cheers up Robbie. Imagine being such a jerk your happiness is at the cost of a kid’s sadness. Anyways, he goes to look at the periscope, and questions how simple it can be. He says the answers to his problems is episode thirty - Greatest Hits.. hey, he said trash. No difference. Anyways, he has the usual disguise time except this time it’s not funny - Too fifties, too sixties, too seventies, 'eh’, then he finds the trashman costume.


Ta-taa! His plan is to fill a cannon with.. well.. trash, and launch it into LazyTown! HAHAHAHA! Anyways, he launches it to test if it works - but he forgot to open the hatch and it all comes crashing down. LOL. He’s happy it works, completely ignoring the fact his lair is a mess.


Meanwhile, the kids aren’t fond of Stingy’s idea to not be a lazy slob in a dirty town, and they run away when he bends down to pick up gloves. 'All you need is some organization.’ So, he runs back to Pixel’s house. But all his efforts won’t be needed, because Robbie’s finally driven into town with the cannon. Meanwhile, the kids are playing a video game (you pick up a MUSHROOM with a LEEK..?) when Stingy walks in angrily. Trixie’s excuse is that they don’t know how to clean - which gets Stingy to start performing ’Clean up’. Since the town is pretty clean, the kids tell Milford to take a rest and Pixel takes him to his room to play video games. After the song ends, Steph looks for a place to put her rubbish.


Then Robbie comes up in his trash-man costume, saying he is the trashman and tells her to give the rubbish to him. No hesitation, she does it. Not as easy with Trixie who argues with him for ten seconds before giving up. She’s not too sure about this. He sees some more trash and smiles. Then for some reason he notices some taffy in his mouth he didn’t even know was there. So, he throws it onto the ground before going to pick up more rubbish. Meanwhile, Ziggy is.. licking a lollipop.


Stingy is NOT being a lazy kid, and he is working on his very own recycling system, then Robbie comes to mess it up. Eventually he convinces him with three questions - 'Do you stay up late at night studying trash?’ 'Have you ever been to trash school?’ 'Do you even have a Trash Man Badge?’ As suspected, the answer to all these questions - is no. Then Robbie spits out more taffy. Slob. Stingy scrapes it up and flings it into a bin, telling Robbie to 'not do that agaen’. He says he’ll be watching him. Robbie’s so annoyed by this once he leaves, he throws his taffy wrapper on the ground and says 'I’ll be watching YOU!!’ Anyways, Ziggy finally finishes his lollipop.


He jumps off the bench, takes a bin, and steps on Robbie’s taffy. He’s stuck to the ground. (That would be hard to get off but it’s possible!) Anyways, Pixel is still attempting to teach Milford to play the Leek game when the kids all come into the house, informing Milford and Pixel the town is tidy. But not for long - Robbie has finally got his cannon to work and he pulls the lever, making trash fireworks. Stingy comes in and makes an announcement - the town is tidy. Thanks, I heard. So, he pulls up the window to demonstrate and boy does he get a surprise.


Stingy thinks this is just a dream so he tells someone to pinch him - and Trixie does. Really hard. By now, Robbie’s broken the lever. Stephanie realizes Ziggy’s missing - so Stingy DIVES IN the trash to find him. That’s no use because Sportacus’ crystal beeps (Man, this sucks, he was only in three scenes of this episode..) and he flips into town. The kids watch on Pixel’s computer as if it’s a movie. Sportacus calls for a boomerang and throws it at the lever. The trashpour stops! Hooray! Trixie has the audacity to say 'We did it’.. little brat. Sportacus finds Ziggy and tries to pull him up but he can’t because of that bing bang taffy. Stingy pops up from some trash and throws a scraper at Sportacus, and HE dives in.


For a while nobody can see him, but he pops up with Ziggy! I don’t know how he scraped off the taffy - he couldn’t possibly see under all the trash. Ziggy preaches - 'I’m free!’ Robbie jumps from a wall to another wall and climbs on top. He says that this was a bad idea and he wobbles and falls into a trash can. (I love how Stefan screams when he’s trying to talk. 'Maybe this trash wasn’t such a good idea after aAAAAAUGGGH’) Sportacus hears the lid drop, and goes to rescue him. He pulls him out but his hat/wig and moustache have fallen off. Then he goes back into the bin after everyone realizes it’s him. I’d do the same. Stingy says that they have a little job to do, and in the span of a fourty second long 'Bing Bang’ they’ve CLEARED THE TOWN.


Maybe it wouldn’t be as dumb if they sang the extended version of Bing Bang, but, kids show. Robbie is sulking in the lair, and he throws yet another piece of taffy on the floor. He steps on the piece he JUST THREW. Did he forget about it 1 second after? Then he falls onto the ground in the Taffy Mountain (TM, TM).


He greets the trash. LOL!! So simple and so funny.

7/10 - Needed more Sportacus scenes, the slice in the middle of Clean Up was unneeded, and frankly, Trixie and Ziggy annoyed me in this one.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

202: Little Sportacus (prod 206)

 Original airdate: September 26, 2006

Story by Magnus Scheving

Written by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarrson, Noah Zachary

Directed by Magnus Scheving

Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings

Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello, David Kristjan Olafsson

Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess, Ronald Binion, Emily Decola

Little Sportacus - another Sportacus themed episode! Sweeett!

The episode begins with Sportacus getting a letter from ten year old Tommy - ‘What stuff did you do when you were ten?’ He says his favourite game was dodgeball! (When I was ten, I loved dodgeball too!!)


Then at the end of the game (he cartwheels and flips and rolls to dodge the ball, awesome!) he catches the ball in his hand. Meanwhile, Robbie is in his lair, shaking with a bowl of popcorn in his hand, yelling 'It wasn’t me!!’ Possibly, having a nightmare about getting framed? Then he wakes up, and says that was a great nap. He grabs some chocolate.


But he is distracted by the sound of a rubber ball.. bouncing. Stephanie is walking with a basketball and she stops to tell her uncle what a wonderful day it is. Milford says it’s a great day to do some yard work.


This is the exact type of scene to have 'Upphaf’ from Latabæ as background music, and it does.. until Ziggy rides his bicycle without his training wheels. Stephanie tells him to use his brakes, and whaddya know? He hasn’t learned how to do that yet. So, he’s in trouble. And we all know who to call when Ziggy is in trouble. Sportacus - whose crystal beeps. Ziggy is headed straight for the ice-cream stand, and he doesn’t worry. He does the exact opposite until he gets a bit closer. Sportacus throws an anchor’s hook up to the airship.


Then he attaches the other side of the anchor to a hook of the ice-cream stand. Then with no effort (come on, he’s Magnus Scheving) he LIFTS UP THE ICE-CREAM STAND. But that’s not it - Ziggy’s still riding, so Sportacus goes down the rope. Ziggy is about to crash into Milford’s bush when Sportacus stops the bike.. with his yoyo.


Then Sporty aerobics over to him and checks if he’s all good. Robbie decides to use his periscope, but a running Stephanie startles him and he hides. Milford asks why Ziggy was going so fast. He was trying to ride his bicycle, but he says he is just too little. Sportacus says that you learn more when you’re little. After he leaves, Robbie wishes Sportacus could be a teeny tiny child so he didn’t know anything. But that’s impossible. Or is it? So, he goes to build his newest invention, and it can change your age.


He tests it on a bird and brings him back to an EGG. That’s like bringing Sportacus back to an fetus - that won’t work. So he adjusts it a bit and now it works perfectly. Meanwhile, Sportacus is doing some skipping from here and there. Robbie’s disguise is.. a bush. Behind him. Wow. Sportacus hears the leaves rustling and stops for a few seconds, then continues. Anyways, once Sporty is distracted, Robbie tries to zap Sportacus.. but he keeps moving side to side. Then he finally stays in one place, and bam! He is ten years old again.


Fun fact - Little Sportacus is voiced by a girl. Anyways, he runs over to Ziggy and asks for his help. But he doesn’t believe him until Ziggy says he has a super-secret nickname only Sportacus knows. Then Sportacus whispers it to him - 'Mr. Fluffy Bunny Pants’. I don’t know why that was kept a secret - if I got a rabbit I’d name it that! Also shocked Ziggy is even funnier then confused Sportacus.


Ziggy thinks the rest of the kids would freak out if they saw Sportacus like this, so Ziggy goes to Pixel’s house and asks for some drip to borrow. It is delivered in an orange package. So, anyways, Sportacus puts it on, and Ziggy tells him to just act like himself. Then he does a 360 spin and that super cool hero pose with his arms. Ziggy then corrects himself - act like a kid. Then he occupies him with a ball so he is bound to do the exact opposite of what Ziggy JUST said.


I love this season, but it seems that Ziggy doesn’t think enough sometimes. He learns the lessons, moves on and does something ridiculous. Well, this is only one dumb Ziggy moment I can name. He’s cool the rest of the season. Anyways, he goes to start figuring out what happened to Sportacus. Meanwhile, Stephanie spots Sportacus just standing on the court. She asks who he is and he does the 360 epic superhero spin xd1!!!!111oneone. He says Spob as he already started to say his real name (but forgor he wasn’t supposed to). The two shake hands, and Stephanie wants to play a game. Spob says he is out of practice.


Stephanie passes the ball to him which nearly makes him fall (come on, Sportacus!!) then he passes it back. Stephanie starts dribbling the ball, and then they perform Time to Play. As the song ends, Stephanie is suspicious of how good Spob plays. She rips out a page of her diary and it flies away. Sportacus is on the move - he does the signature move, cartwheels and jumps to catch it in mid-air.


As Stephanie figures out it’s Sportacus, Ziggy comes riding on the court. He accidentally says 'Hi, Sportacus!’ and he corrects himself by saying gibberish (genuinely funny!!). Anyways, after they clear up that Steph knows Spob is Sportacus, she asks how it happened. Sportacus said if only someone was around when it happened. Ziggy says there is a way to find out so they go to Pixel’s house. Stephanie tells them it’s Sportacus but they don’t believe her. He power jumps to prove it is him.


So then Ziggy asks Pixel to check the cameras earlier today. They see the bush behind them move before Sportacus is zapped. They say they have to find out where that bush is from. Using Pixel’s drone camera. The drone is controlled with a remote control, and the kids see a leave trail. So, they follow it and it leads to Robbie’s lair. Stephanie follows it and she mistakes it for a dead end, until she leans on the door and falls down.


She gets up, climbs the ladder and opens up the chute to Robbie’s lair. Meanwhile, Robbie himself is deciding to celebrate the success of his plan with a nap. But the kids have showed up. Pixel’s drone is hovered down into the lair. Another trail of leaves leads to.. Robbie. Napping. Ziggy wants to control the drone so he snatches it from Pixel and gets it stuck in between two of Robbie’s microwaves. Sportacus calls for a rope from his airship and decides to go down. He ties it to his waist and Stephanie holds it. He dives down!


Sportacus unties himself. Meanwhile, the drone starts shaking along with the table. On the table is that little baby egg. It almost rolls off but Sportacus dives to catch it. Even when he is facing a serious problem he still saves someone, no matter how small their trouble is. The dive wakes up Robbie, and he starts chasing him around the table. Then Sportacus kicks the drone.


The kick is reminiscent of Bruce Lee’s flying kick in 'The Big Boss’. No surprise as Sportacus re-enacts Lee’s nunchuck routine from Enter the Dragon in 'Double Trouble’ and 'Great Greens’. Maggi admits he watched Lee as a child. Anyways, the drone starts flying towards Robbie’s face and he falls to the ground. He continues to chase him after he gets up. Using his wits (and the throwing of a baby egg to distract him), Sportacus flips onto the platform. Robbie asks how he did that, and he said he practiced. The kids cheer. Robbie runs up the staircase and Sportacus walks on the rails. Robbie dives to catch him, Sportacus flips, and Robbie falls. Epic and also kinda funny.


Sportacus sees his clothes in one of the pods (iiittt’s the LazyPod Podcast!! XD. Go listen to it though, Mark Valenti hosts it and it’s epic) and he figures there must be a way to get it. Oh yeah, Robbie stole them while they were performing 'Time to Play’. He pulls the lever and is back in costume. Sportacus flips off to the machine but Robbie blocks him. Then after he cartwheels back Robbie says it’ll destruct in ten seconds. Sportacus says that’s all he needs. Then he throws the egg, slides under Robbie’s legs, and presses the button. Fricking liar. He needed TWELVE seconds! But time is Lazy in LazyTown, so technically he needed eight seconds. Missing the point - he is back to normal again. Sportacus notices it’s going to blow. Robbie comes flying out the lair!


And he lands on Milford’s bush. Everyone notices it’s Robbie Rotten. Anyways, probably because of the power of one apple bite, Sportacus is a-okay. He gives Pixel the drone. Ziggy tells Sportacus he learnt an important lesson today - you’re never too little to learn and if a bush comes at you with a fishing rod and an umbrella, run. (I checked behind myself to see if there was a bush with a fishing rod and umbrella. No joke. Why am I like this?) They all laugh and sing Bing Bang. Robbie is still chillin when the egg hatches.


The bird says 'Mama!’ and Robbie says 'ME???’ then he pats the bird (in the extended version of the episode). Then a cartoony circle closes in on the bird and fades into the credits.

10/10 - I liked that episode a lot!! Season two has started amazingly. Two episodes in a row with a full rating.