
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

108: Sportafake (prod 108)


Filming in April 2004. One of my favourite BTS pics and I don't know why.

BoredJedi ( gave me an .iso of the “Superhero” Australian DVD from 2008. To finally put the .iso to use, I decided to take all the screenshots in this episode myself. I also watched it using VLC.

Original airdate: August 24, 2004

Story by Ole Olsen Steen, Magnus Scheving

Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving

Directed by Raymond P. Le Gue

Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings

Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello

Puppeteers - Ronald Binion, Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Amanda Maddock

Sportafake is undeniably one of the most critically acclaimed and recognized episodes of the series. But.. is it really all that Spectacular?

The episode begins with Sportacus flipping around in his airship, fiddling with some of his things, ready to visit the town. He then flips into his pod and then flies straight into town.


Anyways, Milford has agreed to help fix some “odds and ends” around Bessie’s house because he just can’t say no to her. (S I M P. A L E R T ! ! ! ! ) Milford is however, not experienced in this type of stuff (he can’t use a hammer properly..). Bessie replies by saying it’s only a couple of things and then gives him a comically large list of things to do, assuming Milford can handle it. I don’t think Bessie has ever MET Milford before.


Anyways, Robbie is in his lair sulking about how nobody listens to him. He then starts a heartfelt speech about the topic, and once he’s finished he plays a stock applause sound on his speakers (he turns the volume up twice). Man, he needs some friends, but he’s so vicious and funny.


So, that aside, the kids have once again completely forgotten what Sportacus has been teaching them FOR SEVEN EPISODES, and they are relaxing in the hot sun. You think it’s hot in Iceland? Try experiencing a heatwave in Australia for a week.


Stephanie throws what seems like a very very very very mini hula hoop and asks the kids to play catch. They decline because they are too sweaty and Trixie asks Stephanie to go with the flow. She then attempts to sound like she’s at the beach by saying stuff no normal human would say unironically.


So, anyways, Sportacus has come to end this awkwardness (or add some more it seems) by asking the kids what they’re up to. Since they seem to be enjoying sitting down and doing nothing, Sportacus does a frontflip and lands in the chair next to Pixel.


However, it seems to just be a prank, and Sportacus says that they can play catch. (Why does nobody wanna be active until Sportacus says so?) Except for Pixel. But it turns out it is just another prank. This scene was cut out from the Discovery Kids and Super Sports Show DVD versions for uh.. y'know, racism?


So, anyways, they all enjoy themselves playing catch while Robbie is spying on them. Robbie assumes that they listen to Sportacus because of his mustache. He has the amazing idea to disguise himself as Sportacus (for some reason the number on the back of Robbie’s shirt has a 9 and not a 10.. maybe Robbie was Number 9 and that would explain why he never liked Sportacus).


However, he when he tries to exercise and stuff, he fails miserably. So maybe call him Weakacus. Anyways, back at Bessie’s house, Stingy is looking around and claiming random stuff (for example, a FENCE). Once he sees a ladder he says it belongs to his father (now that’s just greedy) and takes it. At the same time, Milford is trimming leaves off a tree when a big bee gets in his way and he decides to get off.


Meanwhile, the kids are still playing catch with Sportacus when his crystal beeps, and he promises he won’t take long. He climbs up in his airship and as soon as he flies away, coincidentally in comes Robbie. Is it just me, or does Stefan look hilarious with a mustache?


Anyways, Robbie climbs over the wall in his Sportacus costume with a gruff voice. It turns out he swallowed a hairball (one that looks like a ball of fluff from his chair). He coughs it out and throws it and it somehow breaks a glass window. The logic in this show is sometimes just.. non-existent. Also, look at JRM’s face in this screenshot!


Anyways, Robbie “plays” catch with the kids, and manages to get all the hoops on his arms before he yells at them to stop playing. Meanwhile, the real Sportacus is out to save Milford, and he catches him once he falls off.


Anyways, with the kids, Robbie has just yelled at them to stop playing and he declares that he wants the kids to start listening to him now. Ziggy obeys saying that they do that all the time.


Anyways, Robbie says that he wants all the kids to eat some bubble gum, and he spouts the excuse that it is good for your jaws. I mean, just at this point you could tell it’s not him. And that crystal, obviously made of plastic! Anyways, Pixel says he is joking but Robbie says ‘BINGO BONGO YOU ARE WRONGO’, the famous quote that was stolen from Steven Universe.


Robbie’s crystal 'beeps’ and he goes to 'save someone’, then he falls over the wall. Ziggy asks what he is doing, Robbie says he is taking a nap and Ziggy BELIEVES IT. Little by little every episode I like his character less and less and less. Stephanie feels something is wrong and she writes about it in her diary. She is afraid to say anything in fear that her friends will laugh at her.


Anyways, Sportacus has just finished saving Milford, and he asks Sportacus to help him with some of the work Bessie wants to do. He accepts to do so right after he saves someone.


It turns out to be Pixel and Trixie shaking Ziggy by the legs for some gum, which might be one of the most idiotic things they have ever done. It’s already in his mouth, let him eat it. Anyways, Ziggy spits it out on Sportacus’ mouth and he vomits the rest.


Maybe it’s better not to show a screenshot of the vomit.. anyways, Sportacus recommends that the kids play basketball. Sportacus’ crystal beeps and he goes to Bessie’s house. The fence wood has fell off, but Sportacus puts it back up in a jiffy. Then he goes to his airship, and they perform ’No one’s Lazy in LazyTown’ ONE OF THE ABSOLUTE BEST LAZYTOWN SONGS IN THE WORLD. The song ends when Robbie yells at them with a pile of junk food. Burgers, fries, pizza, popcor and chocolate. Stephanie wants to complain about it but Trixie stops her. They want to eat that food (and I don’t blame them!).


Meanwhile, Robbie is at Bessie’s house and he throws the fence wood away. To Bessie who has her eyes closed, it sounds like Milford is fixing it. Meanwhile, the REAL Sportacus is bringing them some Sportscandy, but they’re too full to eat. After all, they ate all of Robbie’s junkfood.


Anyways, Robbie is looking at the kids and he is filled with joy. Sportacus is confused. Stephanie goes over to Milford’s house to talk to him about the whole situation. Milford’s advice is to speak up about the situation, and ironically, Bessie yells his name and he runs right to her.


Anyways, while Milford is running to her, Bessie’s drink spills all over her dress. In comes Sportacus, and he says his work is just beginning. Then Robbie says HIS work is done. BAM! They walk into each other. Then they start testing each other to see if they will do the same things.


Anyways, Milford has now arrived at the scene, and even after the real Sportacus does his power jump, they still think that a race is the right way to declare who’s who. Sometimes I wonder why I watch this show, but then I realize if the LazyTown kids were smarter that would make for a really boring short episode. While Milford is at the end of the race track, Stingy is carrying a ladder and he says it is his. Milford agrees.


So, anyways, the race starts and Sportacus is bound to be the winner until his crystal beeps. So anyways, Bessie is standing in a wagon while Stingy accidentally hits her with it and the wagon goes rolling. Sportacus loses the race to save Bessie.


So, anyways, everyone believes Robbie is the winner, Sportacus must leave the town and that he is Sportacus until Stephanie speaks up and pulls off his mustache. Sportacus is glad Stephanie spoke up. Bessie is glad Milford helped her with some housework and almost kisses him, then they perform Bing Bang.


Robbie is in his lair on his fluffy chair, sitting down, and sleeping. Thus marks the end of the episode.


10/10 NO FURTHER EXPLANATION1111!!!!1111!11!!!1


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